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Hair Restoration

in conjunction with Mane Revival


In conjunction with the wonderful Melissa Sharkevich, our hair restoration clinic is provided under the entity of Mane Revival, where your hair's story finds its voice and its vitality. Mane Revival is a sanctuary for those navigating the intricate landscape of hair loss.


United by a shared commitment, the Mane Revival team, guided by Carly Klein of National Hair Loss Medical Aesthetics, offers personalized hair recovery programs.


Our program provides first an in-depth consultation, where we examine the causes of hair loss. We then provide a microscopic evaluation of your scalp, scalp health, and hair loss patterns. We are able to assess and analyze the multiple components that lead to hair loss, and we then guide you on how to stop hair loss and restore the hair you have.

Natural Growth Factor Injection is a great treatment option for thinning or recent hair loss. These injections of platelet rich plasma (also known as “Liquid Gold”) stimulates hair follicle growth to help restore hair loss. Three to four treatments are recommended, each spaced four weeks apart.

PRP is an excellent solution for hair restoration and can be injected directly into your skin or used with microneedling devices. PRP is obtained by taking a blood sample and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the blood into its many components. Make sure you are well hydrated before your appointment to produce more plasma to be used.

For those individuals with more advanced hair loss or other health issues, we are also able to provide exosome treatment used in conjunction with microneedling. Exosomes, or the body’s messengers, work by signaling to the body to provide healing to an area. Our exosomes are mesenchymal exosomes, which are among the purist exosomes on the market. Derived from blood of an umbilical cord, each treatment provides one trillion exosomes to in turn prompt hair regrowth in as soon as 12 weeks.

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